Dr Graeme Codrington is an expert on the future world of work and the disruptive forces that are shaping it. As an author and researcher, his insights and analysis are sought after by business schools and CEOs around the world, with five degrees, five best selling books and a full-‐time research team at his company, TomorrowToday, to back it up.
Graeme works as a Board advisor, strategist, and as a keynote presenter and facilitator, using multimedia, a gently rebuking humour and an engaging style to make his insights accessible and inspiring. He works across multiple industries at numerous meetings and events in more than 20 countries every year.
Graeme writes regularly for many magazines and journals, and is a sought after commentator and analyst for radio and television. He has appeared on TV in South Africa, the UK, the USA, Chile, Dubai and the Middle East, and on radio in numerous countries, including the USA. He has been a feature writer for many magazines, and has had his own column in Intelligence, Directorship, One+ and Today magazines.
Graeme’s breadth of knowledge and expertise makes him highly relevant in today’s rapidly evolving business world. Along with his formal qualifications and research credentials, he has a wide range of business experience. He did Chartered Accountancy articles at KPMG, was involved in an IT startup, has been a professional musician, a strategy consultant and is now a full-‐time speaker, facilitator and author. His client list includes some of the world’s top companies, and CEOs invite him back time after time to share his latest insights and help them and their teams gain a clear understanding of how to successfully prepare for the future.
Tomorrow’s World Today
The disruptive forces shaping the world right now, and how we should respond
Dealing with SMART people in SMART ways in the changing world
Leading in a Changing World
A leadership response to the VUCA world
Mind the Gap
Understanding and influencing different generations
The Enemy Within
Rebuilding the DNA of a future-fit organisation
Beyond the Hype
Using Social Media to Connect, Engage, and Transform Your Business
The Future of Work
The most significant forces shaping the world of work
Tomorrow’s Technologies Today
Remarkable technologies that will shape the world in the next five years
Meet the Digital Natives
Getting the most out of Gen Y, whY, #Whatever
Future-Proof Your Child
Parenting the Wired Generation
And many more...

Graeme Codrington
What People Say>
Very engaging, extremely knowledgeable and an all round really great guy...
Danny Hicks
In a world of exponential change, at least three elements are essential to set you up for business success: (1) an ability to see what’s coming after what comes next, as you scan the horizon for disruptive forces, (2) a culture of innovation that builds agility, adaptability and relevance into the heart of your organisation, and (3) leaders who are capable of steering the organisation confidently into this unknown future.
This is what Graeme Codrington, and the team from TomorrowToday Global, have specialised in for nearly two decades. They offer keynote presentations, workshops and leadership development programmes for companies across every sector and industry.
Based on ongoing research, backed up by his personal experiences with some of the world’s top companies, and packaged in his very engaging mix of insights, multimedia and humour, Graeme shows organisations and their leaders what they need to do to prepare for success in the future of work.
He speaks to about 100,000 people in over 20 countries every year, and is invited back again and again to provide updates and deeper insights into future trends, innovation and adaptive leadership.
Graeme’s global experience, keen mind, quick wit and engaging style make him a firm favourite with clients around the world.