Quinton was raised on the fringes of the Namib Desert and has spent most of his life living close to nature in the African bush. He has a passion for the natural sciences and is today, considered one of Southern Africa’s leading bush-craft specialists.
His love for wild places and adventure has taken him from the bitter cold of sub-Antarctica to the scorching deserts of the Middle-East. He has summited the highest ice-peak in Russia and has lived with ‘vanishing’ tribes in Africa, the frozen wastelands of Outer Mongolia and the sweltering jungles of the Amazon basin.
As a conservationist, he has managed the Animal Collection for one of the largest Zoological Gardens in Africa where he was committed to the breeding of endangered species around the world.
A frequent resource in print and on radio programs, speaking on a variety of nature topics, he is well known as a television presenter of popular wildlife programs such as “Aardwolf” and 50/50 “Veldfocus”.
He is a businessman and trained as a classical pianist.
Quinton’s unique keynote address has universal appeal. He has worked the international speaking circuit for 23 years addressing top companies in 38 countries worldwide. His talks assist people to tap into their natural potential, to improve their business skills and performance, and to gain a better understanding of themselves and others.
Thriving in Tough Times - Back to Basics
The complete “Back to Basics” manual for survival in the corporate world - timeless principles for business and personal success, regardless of organisation or purpose.
Unforgettable analogies vividly emphasise and reinforce the necessity to get “Back to Basics”, not only in business, but also within our complex, personal lives.

Quinton Coetzee
What People Say>
Coetzee is in a class by himself, probably the most sought-after South African speaker.
Los Angeles Times
Audiences in 38 countries around the globe have been enthralled as Quinton Coetzee fills the room with his charisma and energy.
His message is powerful; his persona is dynamic, bold, animated; his revelations are astounding as he skilfully demonstrates how Mother Nature herself is the author of the most definitive guide to personal and business success that one can find anywhere in the world today.
Using spectacular visuals of the wilds of Africa, Quinton’s unforgettable analogies vividly drive home the necessity of getting Back to Basics.
He proves that enhanced performance and greater success can only be achieved in business and also within our personal lives, once “The Basics’ are firmly in place”.
No text-book-quotations, no bullet-points, no ‘rah-rah’ … just down-to-earth, raw, real and relevant truths that lead to improved performance.
And everyone easily connects to the tangible tools that Quinton provides in order to achieve this.
This is one of those experiences where people will make decisions about who they are and the way they do things… there and then! That’s why they keep coming back for more!
Quinton’s highly energetic, powerful presentation style not only inspires and motivates, it enthralls, engages and punches home the necessity for constant improvement in the business world - a unique experience that is hard-hitting, yet humorous… and its straight-forwardness is invigorating.
It will be talked about, recounted and remembered. Little wonder audiences around the world love it!
His keynote speeches add value to any conference and earn him top marks at every occasion.
Quinton’s performances are a hit every time!