International Motivational Keynote Speaker | Facilitator | Author
Siphiwe Moyo is a sought after, top-rated International Motivational Keynote Speaker, Facilitator & Author based in South Africa.
He is an adjunct faculty member at GIBS, Henley and Wits business schools.
He holds a Masters in Business Administration, an Executive Development Programme, a B Comm. (Honours) in People Development, a Bachelor's Degree (cum laude) in Human Resources and is currently completing his MSc in Human Resources.
He is co-founder and Chief People Officer at Twice Blue (a human capital development firm), Chairman at the South African Board for People Practices (SABPP), Past Chapter President of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA) and member of the Global Speakers Federation.
Siphiwe is an author of two books, Bulls & Bears: life lessons from the financial markets and #StagnationMustFall: 100 practical lessons that will activate your career progression.

Siphiwe Moyo
What People Say>
...what an honour to have such a great speaker.
Alexis Thean
Get Over It!
This hard-hitting, humorous presentation of hard facts about life challenges participants to get over any situation that they may be in.
Leading Self
Getting results through your own personal effort
Position Yourself for Progress
Siphiwe uses the concept of strategic positioning to talk about personal positioning in this talk.
The Pain of Preparation
This leadership development talk will prepare new leaders well for the journey that they are about to embark on.
Forging Ahead in a Tough Economic Environment
In this talk Siphiwe argues it is much better to look in the mirror rather than outside the window.
Endings, Transitions & Beginnings
Leading people through organisational change.
Siphiwe applies behavioural science principles and practices in organisations to increase individual and organisational effectiveness. He is an Organisational Culture, Human Performance Improvement and Organisational Behaviour Specialist.
SPEAKING. Siphiwe will customise one of his presentation topics according to your needs.
Strategy facilitation. This is the art of guiding groups in a process to do strategic planning. As a strategy facilitator, Siphiwe will bring together the best tools, processes and methodologies available for strategy planning. Strategy workshops are widely used for strategy development, and they can be incredibly effective. Because he facilitates many of them, he knows how to get the best results.
Process facilitation. Good facilitators can get you to where you want to be without a great deal of difficulty, exploring different avenues along the way but ultimately ending up at the correct destination.
Learning facilitation (training). At certain levels in your organization internal learning facilitators become ineffective, not because they lack the skills but because you just need an independent, highly skilled and experienced professional to deal with senior people. Whether it is your internal leadership/management/coaching programs or one built externally for you - we can facilitate learning at the middle to senior management level effectively.
STAFF ENGAGEMENT / MORALE SESSIONS. You have just done a staff engagement or morale survey and you do not like the results. How do you get to the core of what staff members are actually saying to you without actually breaking the confidentially of the survey? We have facilitated many of these sessions where we are able to “deep dive” the issue without creating a “gripe session”.
MASTER OF CEREMONIES (MC). In order to ensure a successful delivery of your event, you need a Master of Ceremonies but not just any, instead someone that is unique, exciting, interactive, informed and most of all an MC with a good sense of humour to keep the audience alive. As one client once said “booking Siphiwe Moyo as your MC is like hiring a financial journalist and comedian at the same time”.